All About Estates

Category: Tax Issues

Total 329 Posts

LCGE for Sole Proprietors – When the Exception Makes the Rule

This article is written by Nicole Ewing, Director, Tax & Estate Planning, TD Wealth As professional advisors, we often speak in generalities and paraphrase rules to make our complex worlds more accessible to our clients. But there’s a risk in this oversimplification – sometimes important exceptions become unknown and worse, underutilized….

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Cross-Border Insurance Planning – Some Basics

Cross-border insurance planning is tricky but understanding the basics can go a long way in assisting clients. This short article will review some of the key questions to consider in order to avoid potential pitfalls in life insurance planning. Who is the Owner, the Insured and the Beneficiary In the…

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Equalizing an Estate Where One of More Children are U.S. Persons and Planning Strategies Where There Are U.S. Beneficiaries; Part III

This is Part III of a three-part blog series. Parts I & II can be found at the following respective links: and Parts I & II discussed a few issues to consider if a client’s intention is to equalize their estate amongst their children where one or more…

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Revisiting the “Granny Trust”

This blog has been written by Rahul Sharma, Partner, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP, Toronto The world is ever-changing.  The UK non-domiciliary regime is ending, although with what appear to be potentially helpful tax measures available to new residents for a four-year period.  Certain favourable golden visa programmes in European countries are…

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ILIT – An Estate Planning Vehicle for the U.S. Person

An irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT) is an estate planning vehicle worth some consideration for U.S. citizens living in Canada.  Many estate advisors are unaware that U.S. citizens subscribing to life insurance on their life will have the death benefits included in the value of their taxable estate for U.S….

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The Buy-Sell Agreement At Death

Estate and corporate advisors often suggest to shareholders to enter into a shareholders’ agreement. The shareholders’ agreement is essentially a contract where the shareholders plan in advance for certain contingencies or future events for which they are in agreement as to the outcome. Essentially, the shareholders’ agreement governs the shareholders’…

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