All About Estates

Tag: Laura E. West

Total 23 Posts

Specificity Matters: Defining “Children” and “Issue” for Estate Planning Purposes

In a previous blog, I wrote about the need for specificity when drafting provisions that include a “spouse” of a particular person as a potential beneficiary of an estate or trust.

Attention is also needed to ensure that when a Will refers to terms such as “children” or “issue”, the persons included within these classes are those that the testator intends to benefit. This is particularly true in the current age, where there are an increasing number of different types of relationships and manners of having children.

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U.S. Estate Tax Debate Continues

As world attention appears to be increasingly focused on the economic news coming from the United States, and the various political debates in that country regarding deficit reduction and tax policy, I thought it would be interesting and timely to draw readers attention to a recent Reuters article that profiles a leader of the U.S. political movement to repeal estate taxes.

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Finding the Deceased’s Last Will

It is sometimes difficult for family members to find a deceased’s Will or to ascertain whether a particular Will is in fact her “last” Will.
The deceased may have stored his Will at his solicitor’s office, in his safety deposit box or among his possessions, or with some other individual altogether.

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Small Business Estate Planning Issues: Death of a Partner

In a previous blog, I wrote about some non-tax related small business estate planning issues to consider upon the death of a sole proprietor. In this blog, I wanted to touch on some non-tax issues affecting owners of small businesses that are structured as either partnerships or limited partnerships.

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Specificity Matters: Defining “Spouses” for Estate Planning Purposes

When making testamentary or inter vivos gifts, parents sometimes want to ensure that provision is made for the spouses of their children, whether it is by including such individuals as potential beneficiaries of trusts or as recipients of outright gifts.

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