“An application to pass accounts is more than a rubber stamping of an attorney for property’s accounts”, reminds Justice Graeme Mew in Re Andriesky Estate, 2022 ONSC 242. In most circumstances, an attorney for property is entitled to the percentage formula in the Regulation. Ontario Regulation 26/95 made under the…
Tag: attorney compensation
Passings of accounts can often be bitter and vicious. However, the case of Daniel Estate (Re), 2019 ONSC 2790 was a welcome “good news” alternative to the standard slugfest. Linda and Ted cared for their elderly neighbours Isabel and Wayne for over two decades. The court noted that their relationship…
Power of attorney (“POA”) documents are a way of officially granting an agent (the “attorney”) the power to manage your affairs, most commonly your finances or personal care. POAs allow the attorney to step in and handle a wide variety of issues on your behalf, whether you (the “grantor”) anticipated…
On Tuesday, September 29, I spoke at an OBA program entitled “The Family Business: Administration and Litigation of Trusts and Estates Holding Business Assets.” At the end of the program, there was an interesting discussion about the distinction between compensation for estate trustees and compensation for POAs or guardians of…