All About Estates

Sebastien Desmarais

Total 32 Posts
Sébastien Desmarais is a Tax and Estate Planner at TD Wealth, Wealth Advisory Services.

This article is not about tax

This article is written by Nicole Ewing, Principal, Wealth Planning Office, TD Wealth As an estates and trusts professional, I’ve certainly had my share of conversations about death, taxes, and all the in-between. I’ve discussed the pros and cons of various approaches, tools, and strategies. I’ve helped those who are…

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The Foreign Corporation on Death – Where Do We Start?

When an entrepreneur dies owning shares or an interest in a foreign corporation, the executor is faced with a challenging situation.  An estate with ownership or an interest in a foreign corporation raises specific and complex tax rules that leave the executor and family members hoping the deceased has a…

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U.K. Tax & Inheritance Tax – What’s New?

There have been many changes since my article on the U.K. Inheritance tax (“IHT“) applying to a Canadian resident. Indeed, we’ve seen a Spring U.K. budget introducing an overhaul of the U.K. resident non-domiciled individuals (“non-doms“) regime, a U.K. election bringing a new government and another Autumn budget. It has…

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Penalties Under the Income Tax Act – Executor Beware

As a follow-up to my last article on key filing deadlines for estates, this article discusses tax penalties and interest. For executors, missing a tax deadline can come with serious tax implications, notably the application of a penalty and interest. Late Filing Penalty Under the Income Tax Act, there are…

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U.S. Filing Requirements for Canadian POAs, Joint Accounts, and Bare Trusts

This article is written by Nicole Ewing, Director, Tax & Estate Planning, TD Wealth Whether it’s a Power of Attorney (POA) for Property document, a joint account, or a bare trust relationship, if a U.S. person’s involved, things can get complicated quickly. Canadians without U.S. ties can find themselves and their…

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