All About Estates

Month: December 2023

Total 16 Posts

Wish lists are for more than just the holiday season

This blog has been written by Mohena Singh [Associate] at Fasken LLP As we near the new year and reflect on another holiday season, many of us may have used this time to spend with family and friends or catch up on some much needed rest and recovery. This time…

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Nuns and Money with Purpose

It’s the holidays.  A time for giving, family, and tradition.  The holiday mood inspired me to think about “money with purpose” that passes from one generation to the next – a bit like holiday traditions. Seeing my mother last weekend triggered these thoughts.  She reminded me of a story of how she led…

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Father Time: A Limitation Period Refresher

As the holiday season is upon us and the new year approaches, many of us are thinking about time. For those in the litigation world, time, and more specifically, limitation periods, should always be top of mind. This blog serves as a refresher for some of the limitation periods that…

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What Makes an Indigenous Trust Unique?

What makes an Indigenous trust unique from other inter vivos trusts? Two factors in particular are worth noting: (1) the nature and involvement of the beneficiaries of the trust, and (2) the manner in which Indigenous entities as settlors can utilize the income attribution rule under s 75(2) and their tax-exempt status under s 149(1)(c) of the Income Tax Act.

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Update to Virtual Verification of Client Identity Requirements

The ability to verify a client’s identity virtually which was introduced during the pandemic will continue, with some modifications. The updated by-law 7.1, which comes into effect in 2024, will allow a lawyer to verify a client’s identity virtually by using technology to confirm that the government-issued photo identification is valid and matches the client.

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