All About Estates

Month: January 2017

Total 19 Posts


Some recent technical interpretations from the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) remind us that tax free rollover of retirement plans have to be carefully planned and executed to get the desired result. Here are a couple of cases in point: Rollover of a Registered Pension Plan (“RPP”) to an infirm dependent…

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Replacing an Estate Trustee

With minimal restrictions, a testator can appoint whomever they wish as their estate trustee.  However, as our avid readers may know, a testator does not always make the best choice.  In such cases, section 5 of Ontario’s Trustee Act gives the court the power to appoint a new estate trustee…

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Dementia in Canada: Developing A National Strategy for Dementia-friendly Communities

“I can think of no other disease that places such a heavy burden on families, communities, and societies. I can think of no other disease where innovation, including breakthrough discoveries to develop a cure, is so badly needed.” — Margaret Chan, Director General, World Health Organization (Opening remarks at the…

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Will Challenges and the Well – Acquainted Lawyer

Today’s blog was written by Jenna Ward, Articling Student, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin. A recent case of the Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan has emphasized the significance of first, the relationship between a testator and his or her lawyer and second, the experience and tenure of such lawyer in assessing testamentary…

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Estate Donations = Faster Distributions

Matt Johnston, my tax colleague at Scotiatrust, says the 12-month tax filing deadline is upon us. The initial round of major distributions to charities will occur in January 2017 under the “estate donation” rules introduced in 2016. As mentioned in my previous blog, executors and their advisors are discovering that…

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